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Cyrus - Trance Mediumship through Les Driver (Double DVD)

Harmony Lodge

This DVD with bonus disc was filmed exclusively at the Harmony Country Lodge in Scarborough where popular medium Les Driver gave a demonstration of trance mediumship to a small gathering.
With nearly fifty years of experience behind him, Les Driver is one of the finest exponents of spirit around today. This has been in the most part due to an excellent mentor - David Young, under whose guidance Les has become a proficient control for his guides and helpers.
In this production it becomes clear that we retain our individuality on
passing through the veil as demonstrated by such characters as Albert, Tom
and the reverend George Vale Owen.
As diverse as these characters are, we learn that the underlying message
put simply, is to do our best in helping our fellow man whether this be through
kind words or actions.

On disc one, we concentrate in the main for this new production on Les Driver’s
much requested helper, Cyrus where such topics as dictators, Hitler, Stalin
and Idi Amin are discussed relating to their progress in Spirit.
What life is like in the Spirit world is passed on to us as well as how we
might like to think about our health whilst we are sill here!
We also hear how the nature spirits and the animal kingdom all have a place
in this world and how if we open our minds we can be confident that we will
find oneness with the great spirit.
Guides and Helpers
On Disc two we discover that Les is also able to bring other guides and helpers
through who are also very keen to discuss their lives in an effort to point
us in the right direction. One in particular whose name is Tom, tells us that
he likes to come through so that we may avoid his earthly misgivings!
In addition to Tom, we hear from Albert and the Reverend George Vale Owen
both of whom are equally enlightening and to end, we are even sung a few songs
by one of the helpers!
Les has brought through many more guides and helpers in one sitting but who comes through all depends on how much time is available he states.
Disc One

Introduction | Les Driver | Cyrus | Finding Oneness | When Does Life Begin | Reincarnation and Karma | Progression from a Dark Place | Cyrus - Life in Spirit | Other Beings | Nature Spirits | Keeping Good Health | Materialism | Aspects of the Spirit World | Animal World Differences | 2012 - A Time of Change
Disc Two
Cyrus on Les Driver | Guides and Helpers | The Revd George Vale Owen | Tom Edwards | Woomba (Blue Arrow) | Albert | Future Spirit Communication | Do We ultimately lose Contact | Moving On
About Les Driver

Les Driver was born on 8th February 1941 in a little cottage hospital in Llandebie, County of Carmarthen, Wales where his mother had been evacuated due to the second world war.
Les was the youngest of three boys and only two years old when his mother unfortunately died after a long illness with tuberculosis. His father had been conscripted into the Army and so was split up from his family and did not reunite with them until 1948.
He started school at Hither Green Primary School in 1948 and had a lot of catching up to do but remembers his school life as a struggle and could not wait to leave.
On leaving school he started an apprenticeship with the local electricity board (which included attending college again!) However, he passed his exams and became a fully fledged electrician.
Meeting David Young

When Les joined a spiritualist séance group, after 8 weeks he was asked what he thought about the circle and said that while he thought they were very nice people they were a little bit strange seeing dead people and coloured lights and energies.
He decided to leave the group but was persuaded to attend once more as they
had invited a medium along who had a very good reputation.
The circle was held on a Tuesday but on the Monday Les had a slight accident
in his car which meant he had to catch the bus to where the circle was held.
On the Tuesday he arrived at Ivy's rather early but she was pleased as the
medium had arrived early as well. She introduced them - “David this is Les
Driver, Les this is David Young our medium for tonight”.

When she left them alone David said to Les “I see you have had a car accident” which surprised Les as no one else knew and he wanted to know how he knew about it. He said that his (Les') mother was telling him and Les said that could not be right as his mother was not dead. David said “No that is your stepmother I'm talking about your mother whose name was Evelyn Barton”. He went on to say she was an artist and that I was the youngest of 3 boys. He then told him me the colour, make of the car and registration number. He also told Les that he had a brother in the spirit world whose name was James Patrick which he knew nothing about.
Eventually when he asked his stepmother about this, she confirmed that she
had had a child with his father who only lived a few hours and a catholic
nurse had baptised him in hospital naming him James Patrick. He went on to
give further evidence which was all correct for the remaining time until the
other sitters started to arrive.
There were 19 sitters in total and David was introduced, said a prayer and
went into trance which was totally alien to me. He had several controls and
went on to give evidence and healing to all the sitters.
Working for Spirit

Becoming great friends, Les has been impressed by David's mediumship and
has heard 14 different languages spoken fluently and met many well known personalities
from the spirit world and on the earth plane too and considers this his introduction
to Spiritualism.
Developing his own mediumship over the last 48yrs, he has met and seen many
wonderful things during this time traveling to many countries to demonstrate
in the name of spirit.
Les has two sons from a previous marriage, David and Andrew. and has been with Linda his third wife for 19 years who has a son and daughter. They have between them 12 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild!
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