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'Healing Years' DVD - Irene Sowter

Irene Sowter was a medium whose work had spanned many years.
There was however, a great deal more to Irene Sowter's work than animal healing. Apart from being a full-time trance healer, her work for spirit included Trance address, clairvoyance, and psychic artistry.
Gerald Sowter

Working alongside her husband Gerald for many years, Irene helped heal many people who for one reason or another were unable to find help elsewhere.
Although now having passed to the higher life, Gerald always remained with Irene as part of her earthly spirit group.
Affectionately known as the Guv'ner, Gerald returned for the purpose of helping Irene with her healing work which she carried out into her nineties!
Animal Healing

Irene has documented many case histories during her time and these include animals as well as those people who -over the years- have visited her surgery.
Included on the DVD are healing cases of peoples pets who at first were thought to be hopeless cases but with the help of irene and her spirit helpers Charlie and Spot, some remarkable cures were to take place.
Spirit Surgeons

With the aid of Irene Sowter's three spirit surgeons, there have been extraordinary healing successes, not least those involving two children who were born severely handicapped and whose lives were not expected to go beyond their infant years.
Seeking help from Irene and Gerald Sowter was a desperate attempt to try anything that may be of help to these children
and whose stories reveal how effective the spirit surgeons can be.
Both cases are included on 'Healing Years'.

Amongst her many records there is documented evidence of healing successes from many different people whose ailments include blindness, arthritis, brain damage, tumours, autism, gangrene, club foot and many more.
Unfortunately, there are those who can not be cured but the energies from spirit will in these cases be able to heal, not for the purpose of cure but to aid transition to the next plane of existence.
Like many healers Irene gave of her time freely, only asking for donations so that she could continue her healing work for spirit.
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