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Psychic News

The Coach House, Stansted Hall, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex CM24 8UD
Psychic News was founded in 1932 as the global mouthpiece for Spiritualism. Since that time it has been dedicated to publicising the news that there is no death.
Click here for Psychic News: A History
Colin Fry

When I first met Colin Fry, I found him to be a modest and articulate man, intolerant to prejudice of any kind.
Colin Fry is considered by many, to be one of the worlds finest spiritualist mediums.
Lesser known however, is that included in his extraordinary repertoire of mediumistic abilities, are the gift of Clairsentience, Trance Address and Healing. Add to this a background knowledge of bereavement counseling and it's easy to see why this man has helped so many people.
Ray Brown

Needing to cover as much information as was possible to fit onto a ninety minute tape to include how Ray and Gillian work with trance guide Paul and balancing this with information about Paul and his life on the Earth plane was the task. I planned to tell the whole story on 'Spirit Surgeon' and 'Life After Death'.
This has been achieved, one person even commenting on seeing Paul’s work saying it was how they would have imagined Jesus healing in his time on the Earth plane.
Ray Brown - Web Site
Tony Stockwell

To To find out where Tony will be making public appearances please visit Tony Stockwell.com/
The Avalon Project - Development Studio A group for all those interested in mediumship development and demonstrations with Tony and his guest tutors. Tony's Studio is based in Wickford, Essex and offers courses, workshop and private consultations.
Enquiries to: Tony Stockwell, The Avalon Project PO Box 2149 Wickford Essex SS12 9WY
Bryan Gibson & John Brett

My work plays a very important role in my life, and I know that I have to
try and reach as many people as possible and let them know that death is not
the end of life, that we go on and move into a new cycle of living.
Although the body dies, the Spirit, the personality and memory lives on and
is capable of intelligent communication with those still living in the body.
This then, can only strengthen us with the knowledge that the bonds of love remain absolutely unbroken by the event called "death".
John Brett

22,000 spirit reunions later (including a few for myself), Bryan Gibson is still going strong.
Working alongside psychic artist and hypnotherapist
John Brett, he continues to reunite those of this earth plane with their loved ones in spirit.
To find out more please visit their web site where you will find details of how to book readings and psychic art sittings as well as how to purchase Bryan's books.
Psychic artist, John Brett offer's bookings for workshops and teaching, and for public demonstrations. For more information: please visit their website.
Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary was founded in 1946.
The Sanctuary is dedicated to promoting health and wellbeing through it's spiritual healing service and is a simple, safe and supportive energy therapy that aims to bring balance to mind, body and soul - as well as to stimulate the body's own natural healing ability.
To To find out more please visit The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Robert and Amanda Goodwin

"True trance mediumship at its best can reach out to people in ways which even the best clairvoyant messages cannot. "Whenever White Feather speaks, the whole energy of the hall changes. His ability with words, his love and his mere presence touches people from all walks of life. "He unites young and old, rich and poor, ignorant and knowledgeable in one embrace" - Rob.
Lots to think about on this very informative site (MCH).

Maidstone Independent Christian Spiritualist Church is a group of spiritually minded people based in Maidstone Kent who meet every 2nd Wednesday evening and 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings of the month. They also run Workshops, Saturday Specials Events, Evenings of Clairvoyance, Meditation Mornings with Healing, Psychic Fairs with Healing and Alternative Therapies, Psychic Suppers, Circles and Healing Courses. A very friendly centre with a web site which encourages the exploration of many aspects of spiritual development

ASH is a spiritual centre that incorporates a spiritualist church and a spiritual training and healing centre which offers comprehensive reiki and spiritual healer training as well as dedicated private and confidential healing sessions three times weekly. Many attend Reiki or Spiritual Healing courses or attend a development circle to learn to use their talents and mediumistic skills.
The ASH web site contains lots of
interesting information and is well worth a visit.
Uri Geller

Uri Geller stood the tests of the scientific world, those that sought to disprove his psychic abilities. Although those who conducted these tests, do not shout it from rooftops, Uri Geller is the real thing.
On Sunday November 19, Michael Courtney-Hunt and Neil Stroud had the opportunity to interview Uri Geller at the southend Leisure and Tennis Centre. Spiritual purists may never be at ease with the affluence gained from his psychic gifts, but his honesty and integrity are without doubt. He was poor, he needed money, and he made it. He enjoys the friendship of the rich and the famous, not such a bad thing when you have a message to impart and a job to do on this plane.
David Icke

David Icke's web site is packed with information.
It's up to the individual to decide whether or not you are to lead or be
Be in no doubt however that the information within this site is intended to
help you get control of your own instincts as there are always those out there
that will gladly do this for you.
- Michael Courtney-Hunt.
Jenny's Sanctuary
Jenny's Sanctuary - Born 1964 Jenny Gilkes, a well loved daughter of Ron & Helen and sister of Jackie, tragically took her transition at the tender age of 29. A year later August of 1995 saw the completion of a small sanctuary we called Jenny's Sanctuary. - Ron Gilkes Web Site
Victor Zammit
Victor Zammit - I am convinced that of those who take the time and effort to investigate the validity of on-going communication—if only by reading a dozen or so books on the subject—most will not be able to genuinely deny the validity of such communication. The information provided by those on the other side will result in a progressively more peaceful society when people on earth understand the importance of consequences affecting their never-ending lives.
Voicebox - This is a Web Site that works towards providing knowledge and understanding of all forms of mediumship, which will hopefully, help those interested in working in this field towards working with Safe Practices. With a particular emphasis on Physical Mediumship.
Spirit and Destiny
Spirit and Destiny - wrapped up in the pages of Spirit & Destiny, you'll find feel-good articles on all things alternative, designed to feed your mind, body and spirit.
You Tube
Provides Spiritsinc Samplers and gives you the opportunity to upload any clips you may need the world to see.
Web site design by Craig Grannell of Snub Communications.
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