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Updated 26th August 2015
Colin Fry. 19th May 1962 - 25th August 2015

Colin Fry has passed over far too early and although we knew of late that he was most unwell, it still comes as a great sadness that one of our finest mediums will no longer be available to us here on this plane of existence.
We must surely be blessed however that Colin knew what to do with his gift of mediumship, devoting his life to help achieve a better understanding with the vast amount of knowledge gained through extraordinary vision and compassion.
Colin Fry - Commitment, Sacrifice and a Lasting Legacy
It's not the age that you live to, it's what you do in the age you live in.
How mightily Colin Fry strode through life, a splendid example for all aspiring mediums out there to follow. His commitment to his gift was total, and though physically, mentally and emotionally draining, he bore the mantel of one of the country's greatest mediums with composure and class.

We first met Colin at Vestry Road Spiritualist Church in 1999, a few years before his television career began. At that time his emphasis was on trance mediumship as much as clairvoyance, and we ourselves had only just formed Spiritsinc.
To film and record mediums of the time was our brief - to record them for all time. Colin was the stand out medium of his generation, charisma and confidence blended with a steely determination to bring the messages of the spirit world to the widest possible audience.
At the end of the Vestry Road demonstration we explored the idea of working together with Colin and his manager Vince, who was a good partner for him. We all hit it off immediately and that link has never been broken for the best part of two decades.
Back in the late 1990s a television career was a few years away for Colin, and with our production budget there was certainly no make-up girl for him, no star on the door dressing room - and he had to make his own cup of tea! He was oh so spoilt later on!
Back then we filmed Colin in the raw, in the now, as it happened. No second takes, no sympathetic lighting. We used broadcast standard cameras, but we didn't want to deliver glitz and showbiz. The shots had to precisely reflect how his trance mediumship was at the time.

For us Colin's guide Magnus was as great a worker for spirit as Colin himself. A thought-provoking spirit, Magnus influenced and formed so many peoples ideas about the here and the hereafter . . . . . . and now Magnus is silenced by the lack of a physical vessel to communicate through.
His wisdom lives on through our DVDs, and we are
so pleased to have preserved this aspect of Colin's mediumship.
A couple of
years after we went into partnership with Colin he was snapped up by Living
TV, and our relationship was never as close as it had been in those early
days. Living TV made such huge demands on his freedom, and we took a considered
step backwards to allow Colin to come to the fore. For years he worked tirelessly
to global acclaim, and in so doing created a lasting legacy. Then his life
was sadly cut short.
Forgive us the following indulgences. Do you remember those early aspirations Colin; curry at Walpole Road; well that’s not going out darling; how many a day? it's not a Wendy House; what trumpet? and Cut!
A toll is taken on an individual who has dedicated their life to serving spirit. We lost a good medium on August 25th and all of us salute you Colin.
"You will be so kind as to give me, the Sound of Your Voice" (Magnus).
If only they both still could . . . . . . . . . . .
Updated September 2013
The picture opposite was taken in September 2013 where we chatted with Colin Fry at the Stamford Corn Exchange in Lincolnshire.

Letters and Accolades
Now almost 15 years later with nine very well received titles on DVD, I feel that 'the message' is reaching a wider audience.
I have received wonderful letters and emails from people stating how grateful they are that the DVD's have helped break through their barriers of prejudice not only for themselves but also for their friends and family.
Here are a small selection of those letters.
Mrs Fisher. Manchester.
Dear Michael, Thank you so much for the collection of DVD's. I can't tell you how much better I felt about my life after viewing them. I can't wait for any new DVD's you may produce.
Mr and Mrs Doyle. Middlesex.
Dear Michael, My husband and I purchased all of your DVD's. We enjoyed watching 'Nearer the Light' and both of the Ron Jordan DVD's. We are excited about viewing all the others. We found them to be useful in learning about so many things relating to life here and the hereafter. Thank you and please keep us informed when you produce any further titles.
Wanda. Sussex
Hi Michael, thanks for sending me the DVD'S. I find your DVD'S very interesting and at some stage I'll buy all the other ones I don't have yet. Take care.
Barbara. Midlands.
Dear Michael, Received and watched "Magnus Guides" today, many thanks for the introduction. It feels like I've had a revelation!
There are many more comments from people all over the world who have all come to the same conclusion. They all agreed that there is a better explanation for our existence here on Earth!
Updated 3rd April 2012
The new DVD from Trance Medium, Les Driver entitled 'Cyrus'

When Les joined a spiritualist séance group, after 8 weeks he was asked what he thought about the circle and said that while he thought they were very nice people, they were a little bit strange seeing dead people and coloured lights and energies! And now, many years after his initial impression we bring you the double DVD:
'Cyrus', through the Trance Mediumship of Les Driver
Disc One
Introduction | Les Driver | Cyrus | Finding Oneness | When
Does Life Begin | Reincarnation and Karma | Progression from a Dark Place
| Cyrus - Life in Spirit | Other Beings | Nature Spirits | Keeping Good Health
| Materialism | Aspects of the Spirit World | Animal World Differences | 2012
- A Time of Change
Disc Two
Cyrus on Les Driver | Guides and Helpers | The Revd George Vale Owen | Tom Edwards | Woomba (Blue Arrow) | Albert | Future Spirit Communication | Do We ultimately lose Contact | Moving On
What's New

Updated 10th July 2011
Les Driver - Trance Medium
As with all the Spiritsinc productions, we aim to bring you the finest mediums from whom knowledge is passed on to help understand the reason for our existence. In an effort to maintain our high standards we approached Les who has agreed to let us film to demonstrate proof of survival imparted through him from trance guide 'Cyrus'.
With the kind permission of Susan and Tony Hewitt (M.B.E), filming starts in November 2011 at the Harmony Country Lodge in Scarborough with a release date of January or February 2012.
Updated 29th June 2011

"Life After Death. Your Spiritual Journey'
In February 2011, filming took place at Bosworth Hall to make our next Production.
Now completed, we show Paul working through Ray Brown to give a lecture on the levels in spirit.
This new double DVD includes how we progress in spirit after passing over and what we have to prepare ourselves for. An enlightening weekend in which
was shared information regarding practically every subject relating to life here and in the hereafter.
To find out more click here or to buy now click here.
Updated 17th June 2010
Trance Mediumship

At nine years old I witnessed my first demonstration of trance mediumship at a local community hall in Benfleet Essex. Unable to quite comprehend what was being "spoken" by the medium, I still nonetheless found it to be fascinating stuff!
There were also people in attendance referred to as "faith healers", who would walk round asking people if they needed healing. I used to suffer from very bad migraines so it was suggested that I be given this "healing".
Weeks, then months went by and guess what? No migraines! When I tried to discuss this with my friends, they all thought I was mad!

It was then that I learned of the "closed-mind" syndrome!
It seems no coincidence now, that the path I was to follow would lead me on the way to my "Spiritual Uhuru" and wasn't until later in life that I began to film demonstrations of this very sort.
I have received sufficient messages and evidence from 'Spirit' to prove the fact that Life after Death existed, which inspired me to produce a series of spiritual Dvd's which currently numbers seven.
Updated 12th October 2009

Christmas is drawing nearer ever more quickly than the last. Even now there
are decorations in the shops and stores!
On the whole, Christmas seems to be a time when people get together and share
something that happens so infrequently during the preceding months, that of
sharing a common 'bonhomie'.
Even our loved ones in spirit (especially the children) enjoy the festive season and will often be around to share our joy at such a special time.
Luckily, as the world becomes more aware of similar religious occasions, we are able to share these.
What great achievement would result if all the world were to try to understand each other and accept that we are the result of just one almighty creator that has given us the privilege of being here.
But in answer to the old age question "Why are we here". We are here to learn and understand love for our fellow man in all it's diversity. Isn't it sad that not more people realise this. I live in hope!
Updated 1st September 2008

The Spiritsinc Team would like to thank you for your continuing support.
Well, this all started for me when I realised that they leave the lights on in spiritualist churches after which I then decided I would go and visit one!
I'm glad now that I did, as on 1st September 2008, it was the 10th anniversary of our endeavours to bring what happens at the meetings, to you!
We would again like to thank everybody for sending us wonderful letters and emails informing us of how much the DVD's have helped and benefited them in many ways from both the Trance, philosophical and also healing aspects of Spirit contact.
Our kindest regards to you all.
The Spiritsinc Team.
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