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Colin Fry

Born into a happy family, baby Colin Fry began a normal upbringing, with his parents never suspecting that the small life they cradled in their arms carried within it such a special ability.
Haywards Heath in West Sussex afforded the average teenager the usual English way of things and Colin tried to suppress the gifts that were burgeoning inside him.
Colin Fry will insist that his work is "too important to be stopped by the ignorant and the stupid", but will insist above all that the "message" of Spiritualism is more important than the messages".
Mediumship '98

Exceptionally gifted, all of the mediums listed below are reported on within the article 'Mediumship '98'
Colin Fry | Bryan Gibson | Ron Jordan
Gordon Smith | Tony Stockwell | Andy Mulligan
Ray Brown

Trance guide 'Paul of Tarsus', through the mind and physical body of Ray Brown, administers healing with such amazing results, that it's hard not to think miracles are being performed.
People from all over the world attend the demonstrations and clinics of this amazing medium and rarely go home disappointed.
What is so noticeable about a lot of these people is the failure of conventional medicine to facilitate or complete a cure. Details of Clinics.
Irene Sowter

Irene Sowter has had an awareness of Spirit from an early age, and in time found that she had three spirit inspirers all of whom have healed and also cured many people and animals from all type of illness.
Irene states quite emphatically that she is only the instrument for those 'Spirit' doctors and surgeons who choose to administer healing through her, also stating that she can only carry out the work of healing whilst they desire to do so.
Les Driver

As with all the Spiritsinc productions, we aim to bring you the finest mediums from whom knowledge is passed on to help understand the reason for our existence. In an effort to maintain our high standards we approached Les who agreed to let us film to demonstrate proof of survival imparted through him from trance guide 'Cyrus'.
When Les joined a spiritualist séance group, after 8 weeks he was asked what
he thought about the circle and said that while he thought they were very
nice people, they were a little bit strange seeing dead people and coloured
lights and energies! And now, many years after his initial impression we bring
you the double DVD:
'Cyrus', through the Trance Mediumship of Les Driver
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