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Colin Fry -'Nearer the Light' DVD

Click here for: Magnus Guides | A Voice From the Light | Nearer the Light
An enlightening and at times emotional roller-coaster of a ride through the answers to life's great questions.

Acutely challenging and often controversial, Colin Fry's spirit guide Magnus reveals to the open mind the true nature of the human individual, whilst filling in the gaps and re-writing some of the history of spirit as man on this planet.
Keeping a brisk pace from subject to subject, Magnus calls on the accumulated knowledge of the 'Diamond', to respond to a great diversity of enquiries. The thought-provoking revelations of the Aberfan disaster, the emotional return of a young woman through direct voice and the World Trade Centre tribute are some of the difficult themes, sensitively covered
This account pulls no punches and is as compassionate as it is hard hitting but although at times sad, is aimed above all to help comfort those who have lost someone and help them become aware and understand that life continues.

The aim for this venture was to be as informative and frank as possible, a necessity ultimately becoming not so much about what to put into the production, but more a matter of what to leave out.
Be assured that quality has not been sacrificed for quantity.
This final part of the examination of the life of a medium and the communications of the spirit guide maintains the high standards set by 'Magnus Guides', and 'A Voice from the Light'.

Jenny Gilkes
Described as innovative and uniquely inspiring, 'Nearer the Light', contains subjects never dared tackled before.
Brought to the screen for example is an extraordinary account (with subtitles for that particular section) revealing the emotional return of Jenny Gilkes through direct voice to converse with her father.

Physical Phenomena
Also included is an account from Pat Cole that proves that we never really 'lose' anyone, testifying to the fact that life continues by the act of what we know as death, that we will begin to understand as the process of re-birth into our next existence.

Then there is the return of Desmond, a sad loss among many to the Aberfan disaster.
Difficult issues about which many people have requested further enlightenment have been included and separated into logical order to emphasize beyond reasonable doubt that life continues in a finer and more meaningful existence.
Mediumistic Child

As much about Colin's thoughts as it is about Magnus' views about life after physical death, we also see how Colin views his role and how he coped with his gift in early life, especially during schooldays where he divulges how life was as a mediumistic child.
Colin's mother and close friend Patricia Cole add a further perspective into the life of this world renowned medium.
Will there be peace in our time?

Magnus puts across a very positive argument and as difficult as it may be to accept, there can be global harmony but the only way to achieving world peace Magnus points out is for us to try to attain an understanding of unconditional love.
But, he warns, "You may follow religious beliefs, you may be a bass, a tenor an alto...but you must all sing the same song."

Part One
Recognising Others on Passing Over | A Mother's Viewpoint | When a Child is Born Disabled | A Child's Short Stay | Aberfan | Vehicle Accident Victims | Vegetarianism | Time and Space
Part Two

Schooldays | Sexuality | AIDS | Physical Phenomena | Direct Voice Phenomena | Intimacy
Part Three
Life on Mars | Morphic Law | Egypt | Atlantis | Nostradamus | Freedom of Will | World healing | New York remembered
Nearer the Light - Review

This DVD is the third in the series of "Magnus Guides," or the teachings of Magnus through the trance mediumship of Colin Fry. For those who do not know Magnus, he is the spokesman for a spirit group called The Diamond. He speaks through Colin with the impeccable English, manners and courtesy of the Victorian age in which he lived.
Beautifully filmed, mostly in Spiritualist churches, Magnus is heard answering questions on many topics from disabled children and the reunion of loved ones to premature passing, time and space, and lost civilisations. We are also given an intimate portrait of Colin. As a boy medium, he felt uncomfortable because "You do not have the years behind you to know what you are supposed to be doing." However, he questioned Spirit - and always received satisfactory answers. Therefore, when his headmaster told him that "Your function is to listen and not to question," he decided that school was not for him!
Children feature prominently in the first part of this compelling DVD. Magnus
is asked why some are born disabled. Part of his answer is that some choose
to have impediments in order to teach us the lessons of compassion and love.
There is none that needs to be called handicapped, he asserts, for there is
no reason why they cannot experience life to the full, to the limit of their
Interwoven with Magnus' philosophy are illustrations from everyday life.
We meet Jessica, born with a hole in the heart, who passed at eighteen months with her earthly existence complete, but who in that short space touched the hearts of many. Then there are those who pass prematurely, like Desmond, aged ten, who died at Aberfan in 1966, when the village school was buried with coal slurry, claiming the lives of 116 children. Desmond returned to tell his mother that he was perfectly happy in the spirit world and with his best friend. (The day before the tragedy, we are told, a child was on record as saying, "I dreamed I went to school and something black had come down all over it.")
Magnus is asked about babies who pass on when there is no family in the spirit realms yet to care for them. He explains that they are given to those who would have liked to have children on earth, but were unable to do so. "How do we recognise one another in Spirit?" is another point raised. Magnus says it is in much the same way that we do on earth.
Asked about time, Magnus answers that on the other Side it is not measured in hours and days, adding, "A hundred years for me is like what you would call a passing moment".
What a pity that comparatively few people will see this DVD. It ought to be shown on television for the millions...
Two Worlds.
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