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Ron Jordan - 'Spirit Guides 2' DVD

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It is difficult to comprehend the motivation of some people to kill and maim others without a thought for their fellow man.
George, like many other guides will not enter into debate about the rights and wrongs of particular groups and factions except to point out that the taking of a life by an individual or group of individuals is not permissible however wronged that person or group of persons might feel.
But be under no illusion that the underlying message as to where these people end up and what has to be done to regain the balance is a constant source of frustration and angst for those in spirit.

It is they who need to regain a state of stable equilibrium for those involved in passing in such a dreadful manner whether that be for the victim or the perpetrator.
The Venue
Ron Jordan had travelled all the way from Liverpool and was in fine form when he arrived at Peterborough. Setting up followed the usual routine but with a few minor changes to the ritual!
We knew the small but quite intimate church which has hosted Colin fry and still hosts some very fine mediums, was looking forward to the visit by Ron and George.
It was going to be full and we had to use the space accordingly!
The idea this time was to employ a more simplistic approach which meant that more information could be included within the production with more audience shots and reactions to give a 'natural' feel to the proceedings.

However, some parts were left out for instance when the Vice President disappeared to the W.C. when Ron was about to start the demonstration. Also, after four 'false starts' we couldn't possibly included the anxious look on the faces of Ron and the president when Neil (on sound) wouldn't complete setup until he was sure everybody was happy about being filmed. then there was the raucous laughter after this lengthy silence thankfully broken only when Neil asked if anyone had heard the cricket score that day!
Who said that these dems were 'stuffy' affairs. It was a lively and humorous evening which was enjoyed by all and well worth three pounds of anybody’s money which Ron on this occasion donated to the church for a charitable cause.
The Message

Based on the questions most frequently discussed - after reincarnation, karma and if God is good why does he let terrible things happen - we decided that the way in which this production was to enhance and follow on from everything filmed so far was to simplify our approach.
With the view that if we are to help enlighten and even persuade people to look in another direction, then we had to go back to basics. This would show then that the 'message' is far more important than the messages.
As human beings, our instinct is to survive and in so doing need to help each other to achieve this in an harmonious way.
In today’s society we rarely have the choice of how we live our lives financially but we do have the choice of how to live it instinctively.
It becomes more apparent then that negativity is allowed to win which ironically is due in most part to investing in something which we will not need when we depart from this mortal coil. So why do we strive to achieve goals which make us rich materially when we should aim for just the one aspect which could make us rich in many other ways.
Sprit Guides 2, aims high and will hopefully bring us to the conclusion that we can all share what life has to offer us in such a way as to start to define what love really is - MCH
Part One
How ron sees spirit | An introduction from George | Coincidence | Beings of Light | Which Religion | The Ten Commandments | Extremism | Overcoming Evil in Spirit | Exorcism | Prejudice in Spirit | The Divine Plan | The Process of Passing Over | Progression
Part Two
Poltergeists | Other Entities | Spirit of Nature | The Five Senses | Is Sex for Procreation Only | More than One Love | Cloning | Organ Donation | Age in the Spirit World | Contacting the Dead | Better Communication
Order the DVD's | We Can Help | Magnus Guides | A Voice from the Light | Nearer the Light | Spirit Surgeon | Healing Years | Spirit Guides | Spirit Guides 2 | How to Order