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Spirit rescue - Help with unwanted spirit occupants.
Spirit Rescue, otherwise known as Exorcism is something which is not generally understood.

If you need help with any kind of poltergeist activity, we are here to help and can travel about an hour in any direction from Chingford in London. However, should you need to speak to someone then email Neil Stroud (spiritist@ntlworld.com) who will advise what your next step should be.
Reproduced with the kind permission of Ian Bradley Dip PHTA
Those spirits encountered as rescues are what are termed as "earthbound" and as I prefer to keep this fairly simple and not delve into the various theories of afterlife levels, they can best be viewed as those that on dying never got to where they should have gone to at whatever level would have been appropriate for them, so this can include the best and worst of us.
They therefore either continue within their own projected reality and carry on in a way normal to them within whatever scene or situation their minds have created, or they are free to roam around and make the best of things as they are able.
This can happen for a number of reasons, confusion, fear, traumatic death, emotional attachment, rigidly held religious beliefs, guilt, unfinished business etc, but it should not be assumed that this will happen to everyone like this, but that it will happen to a minority. Upon dying they may not be aware of those in spirit entrusted with their safe passage but will continue as before, their emotions and attitudes unchanged, some for example will not even be aware that they have in fact died, and lack the awareness to question their situation and understand it.
Spirits for rescue are never forced to move on as it must be their decision to do so, but if they prove reluctant and it's inappropriate that they be allowed to remain, then they should be passed onto guides for a period of re-education and assistance.
However it isn't possible to rescue all earthbound spirit you come across, some will need help yet be unreachable, some negative spirits will be open to persuasion and can then be rescued, while others will have no part of it and being currently irredeemable in their attitude, should be either passed onto guides for hopeful re-education with a view to eventual rescue, or moved on there and then to somewhere appropriate to their nature.
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