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Colin Fry - 'A Voice From the Light' DVD

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Colin Fry - Medium 19th May 1962 - 25th August 2015

To one and all,
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Love and Light
Colin Fry

One of the World's finest mediums
When I first met Colin Fry, I found him to be a modest and articulate man, intolerant to prejudice of any kind.
Colin Fry was considered by many, to be one of the worlds finest spiritualist mediums.
Lesser known however, is that included in his extraordinary repertoire of mediumistic abilities, are the gift of Clairsentience, Trance Address and Healing. Add to this a background knowledge of bereavement counseling and it's easy to see why this man has helped so many people.

Colin Fry (aka Lincoln) lent his unique gift of mediumship to help not only those who found themselves in need of contact from the spirit world, but also those who were in search of further education. This furtherment of spiritual knowledge came in the form of philosophy from Colin's brilliant and well educated trance guide, 'Magnus'.
As Colin stated:
"I Like to make people laugh, feel happy...I like to tell them about the fact that life is an eternal process...you can not die".
"I like to give people an opportunity to listen to spiritual philosophy and get their questions answered"

Formative Years
An extraordinary man, on speaking to us, he told the story of his early life where in coming to terms with his own spirit experiences in childhood, he had turned this round to benefit mankind.
How this was achieved can be found on the 'Magnus Guides' Trilogy, where Colin shares with us, information relating to his innermost thoughts on life, work and his aspirations.
Through the philosophy of Colin's Trance guide Magnus we can find the answers to all our enquiries relating to 'Life After Death', which will highlight the fact that life is eternal.
Colin Fry insisted that his work was"too important to be stopped by the ignorant and the stupid", and above all that the "message" of Spiritualism is more important than the messages".What will become apparent is the need for more mediums of Colin Fry's calibre now he has passed.

Growing up
Born into a happy family, baby Colin began a normal upbringing, with his parents never suspecting that the small life they cradled in their arms carried within it such a special ability.
Not being mediums themselves, Colin's imaginary friends were perceived by his parents to be just that - fantasy friends.
But as Colin Fry moved through his childhood years, his 'friends' went with him and his mother started to realise that what seemed to be a youthful imagination was actually an ever present reality, for her son.

Haywards Heath in West Sussex afforded the average teenager the usual English way of things and Colin tried to suppress the gifts that were burgeoning inside him.
He allied with one friend in particular, the old man, Magnus. Leaving school and going to work in a carpet shop, Colin found himself falling short of his true potential and after a few years met a man who was to set him on the pathway to truly developing his awareness of spirit, his name was John Austin...
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