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Irene Sowter - 'Healing Years' DVD

Popular healer Irene Sowter has been aware of a Spirit influence since the age of three.

Even from this tender age she has helped heal and also cure many hundreds of people and animals from every type of illness imaginable.
Irene states quite emphatically that she is only the instrument for those 'Spirit' doctors and surgeons who choose to administer healing through her, also stating that she can only carry out the work of healing whilst they desire to do so.
Coming from an early 'working class' background meant that things were not always going to be easy, but with perseverance and dogged determination she was soon to be unconditionally administering the healing which - increasingly - is so much in demand.

Healing can be received in many forms so, demonstrated here in her exuberant and humorous style are those methods by which Irene achieves this including Clairvoyance, and Spiritual Surgery.

Working class
The DVD then is an account of a healer at work who demonstrates that 'Spirit' healing is truly universal and can be of benefit to all.
Order the DVD's | We Can Help | Magnus Guides | A Voice from the Light | Nearer the Light | Spirit Surgeon | Healing Years | Spirit Guides | Spirit Guides 2 | How to Order