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The Spirits Inc team are:

Michael Courtney-Hunt
It wasn't until reading 'On the Edge of the Etheric' by Arthur Findlay, that I realised what Spirit contact was all about.
In 1998 Colin Fry was demonstrating Clairvoyance and Trance mediumship in the same evening.
So impressed, I chatted to Colin afterwards to ask if he
would be interested in putting this unique gift on film for a wider audience. Three months later I received the phone call I had been waiting for.
Satisfied that I was on the path to Spiritual 'Uhuru', I decided to approach
various mediums who liked my approach to the subject of Spiritual Philosophy.
This has led to my being able to meet and film Ron Jordan, Irene Sowter, Les
Driver and Ray Brown amongst others whose mediumship I can now share with
you through a series of DVD's.
I wanted to forge an inspirational product that would give people lots to think about and am delighted with the many encouraging letters and emails proving this to be the case. I can be contacted by emailing mch100@yahoo.co.uk

Neil Stroud
At first sceptic, now 'open-minded', Neil has been with me since the outset of my endeavours to get to the truth.
Also a skilled interviewer and P.R. man, Neil is the anchor in assisting with filming events and making sure that all the equipment is in place before we start!
Neil will also help with advice on spirit clearance and can be contacted by emailing spiritist@ntlworld.com
My thoughts on:

So much clouded by materialism and dogma we needed to put across that Spirit contact is as natural as the day is long. With our combined knowledge, it was
important to produce something that would be easily digestible and at the same time educational. For this, we needed experienced mediums and fortunately met many fine
people who were willing to cooperate in putting the message of Spiritualism across.
Whilst in primary school, I was taught to believe that sinning led to eternity in Hell. Later I was to understand that if you took a life, you could almost absolve yourself of this crime against humanity by confession to a priest!

None of this made any sense to me and although I was never in any doubt that Life after Death existed, I did not posses the maturity to question the validity
of the 'faith' with my school friends so therefore decided I would treat any
further religious teaching with great caution.
I was soon to realise that religion caused division between those, who deep down were essentially people like myself.
I concluded that we eventually progressed to a place called heaven as I couldn't see how being cast into eternal damnation was the act of a kind and forgiving God. Therefore, somebody wasn't being entirely honest with me and couldn't see my teachers as having been to heaven or hell so understood them either to be making things up or blindly believing in what they had been brought up to themselves accept.

I had received sufficient messages and evidence from 'Spirit side' to prove the fact that Life after Death existed, which inspired me to produce a series of spiritual Dvd's (currently nine in number).
Trance Mediumship
At nine years old I witnessed my first demonstration of trance mediumship at a local community hall in Benfleet Essex. Unable to quite comprehend what was being uttered by the medium, I still nonetheless found it to be fascinating stuff!

There were also people in attendance referred to as 'faith healers', who would walk around asking people if they needed healing. I used to suffer from very bad migraines so it was suggested that I be given this "healing".
When I tried to discuss this with my friends, they all thought I was mad!
It was at this early age that I discovered the 'closed-mind' syndrome!
It seems no coincidence now, that the path I was to follow would lead me on the way to film demonstrations of this very sort!
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