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'Spirit Surgeon' DVD

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Ray Brown - Spirit Surgeon

On a June evening in 2002 at the Lancaster school in Southend, Ray Brown produced a fine demonstration of spirit surgery
Under the bright lights and camera gaze of a Courtney-Hunt Productions movie crew Ray, controlled by his spirit guide Paul, enthralled a 130 strong audience, who witnessed what has now become an all too rare public appearance by this charismatic and somewhat enigmatic worker for Spirit

Paul, through the mind and physical body of Ray, administered to members of the audience, as one by one they placed their trust in him and attended the examination table on stage.
What was so noticeable about these people was the failings of conventional medicine to facilitate or complete a cure. Indeed, with some, mainstream medicine had given up altogether.
There was a migraine, a painful hip replacement, a painful pre-hip replacement, an arthritic toe, a neck that had pulled to the left for the last two years, a stomach pain, shoulder problems, a hiatus hernia, a bent arm condition and a hangover headache from the mornings England match!
I jest a little but this is how Pauls personality comes through, light-hearted and jovial but sometimes serious
and sensitive as the situation dictates.
The latter proved to be the case with the last lady to receive Pauls help, who is living with cancer
Julie's toe responded very well to Pauls attentions and she left the stage free of pain. Peter underwent
a spirit operation on his hiatus hernia and Rays wife Gillian was called on to give help in guiding the direction of the energy to the correct
Paul described how the energy was manipulated to bring relief to the condition, although Peter was advised to see Paul again.

The healing given on stage is so natural to Gillian now, but she had earlier reminded us that when she first met Ray she thought it was all rather dubious and that this man would need checking out more closely, so she married him!
Still to this day she looks for a 'card up the sleeve', but knows now that Ray is the real thing

Jackie was given help for an acute migraine like headache and the pain from this ceased while she was still on stage, however it did return when she regained her seat in the audience, but dissipated as the evening continued. Who needs aspirin with Ray around!
Linda had spent two years with exasperating aches and pains in her neck, following an occurrence that had seen her neck twisted to the left. Doctors could do nothing for her, but Paul's surgery on a tendon there alleviated the problem. It was free at last. One might be forgiven for thinking she had exaggerated things or was one of Rays old acquaintances. Not a bit of it. She had never met Ray before and Lindas friends confirmed all that she had said.
I was talking to Ray afterwards and Linda came up to us and thanked Ray for his own efforts. The relief from her pain was evident and she was so grateful.
Clearly emotional, She explained what it had been like to endure the discomfort these last two years and the lack of hope that went with it.
There lies the proof of what Spirit can really do.
Truth defined in the purity of a teardrop. A teardrop that no 'anti', no sceptic can wipe away and say never existed or cry fake about. When you witness the powerful clarity of such a moment then you know, for her, the healing worked. You know it happened. You know she was helped
And so, at end of a long evening, the audience responded with a thunderous round of applause. Ray and Gillian Brown had given selflessly of their time.
Neil Stroud - Psychic News. July 2002
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