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Magnus - Guide of Colin Fry
The portrait of Magnus is a sketch by psychic artist Shakti Joy which Colin Fry confirms is exactly as he sees his guide and mentor who as a child, referred to him as the "old man".
In trance, Colin Fry is controlled by a spirit being named Magnus, who acts as spokesman for a group called "The Diamond."
This is only part of his name. He has chosen not to reveal his full name as he feels that his life and teachings now are far more important than his life on earth.
However; Magnus has revealed that he was a financial director of a publishing company in the late Victorian era. The firm dealt with technical works rather
than novels. He led a very comfortable life materially, but on his own admission, a somewhat selfish one.
Magnus passed around the turn of the century following a series of strokes. Asked at a seance why he had chosen to return, Magnus explained that in spite of having a wife and family he had never really understood love.
On one occasion, he returned to his house in West Kensington, London, in a bad temper. Whilst attending to the fire in his drawing-room, a young domestic servant accidentally burnt his very expensive carpet. Even more angry, Magnus summoned his butler and had the young girl thrown out of his house. Her body was found three weeks later in Whitechapel, East London, partially eaten by rats.
It was as a result of meeting this young girl in the spirit world and receiving her forgiveness for his actions that Magnus gradually began to understand the meaning of unconditional love.
Some prefer to make their church their understanding of God, a matter by which they conduct their lives, striving to give and to receive unconditional love to the best of their ability.
"You have our consent to prepare your video...Is that correct, yes? Oh, I'm becoming very conversant with your technology aren't I! Yes, you have our permission my friend as long as it is presented in a manner that it is meant to inspire and not cause ridicule"
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