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The Gateway Spiritualist Centre

Colin Fry, who was known as `Lincoln', during the time he was developing his particular gifts of mediumship, is the medium of the distinguished spirit teacher, Magnus, who is spokesperson for his group, `The Diamond'.
Colin has traveled around this world in tandem with those in that other world, disseminating their well substantiated and progressive wisdom to all who will listen. Recently Colin has demonstrated this partnership of spirit in London at the Gateway Spiritualist Centre in Shepherds Bush. it was a night to remember.
The first part of the evening was given over to straightforward evidence of the survival after
`death' of members of family or friends of those in the audience.
And as PN's special correspondent Neil Stroud tells us, "The second half 'deep trance' demonstration went just as well.

Magnus, Colin's guide, came through to deliver such clear and compassionate spiritual instruction and comment that the entire audience was surely wiser for being there. Magnus expounded upon many subjects; life after death, future Earth upheavals, murder, trance mediumship, foreign wars, and soul entry into the human being.
On the question of how to be spiritual in a materialistic financially motivated and `market driven' society, Magnus advocated non radical change from the outside of society, but slow change from within, as Magnus says, " The system may stink but that does not mean that you have to smell from it."
It is his message of unconditional love that is so absorbing. Spiritualists know that ultimately this is the way to lead our lives, but it is so difficult to get close to living this selfless way, but we continue to aspire to it. Magnus is a very humble personality with reference to both himself and Colin where the spiritual life ' of service is concerned. He refers to Colin as everything and yet nothing. All are equal in the other side's opinion of us.

Indeed he described the tea lady at the church as, "Meaning everything to spirit, and yet meaning nothing. All have equal status." You see in Spiritualism all are equal, black and white, heterosexual and homosexual, old and young, rich and poor. We have no discrimination and therefore no segregation. As Spiritualists we extend the eternal hand of friendship and the goodness in our hearts to all.
Colin Fry is a fine example of the spiritual truth. I recommend his demonstrations to everybody, for everybody attending will in some way be affected. How many people in the filled to capacity hall, I wondered, actually thought about Colin's source, Magnus, and where the communication actually- comes from. If one realises that it comes from the next world then the implications, ramifications, and consequences of this fact, are indeed awesome," concludes Neil.
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